
    School Principal Message

    Dear friends,

    I welcome you to our school, Kendriya Vidyalaya Bhadarwah. Since 2003,we have been serving the nation by developing the young human resource by providing the ambiance of freedom, equity and joy to our children to grow on their own to realize their full potential. We believe if at all India is to actualize its dream of becoming a developed nation, our schools must lay the foundation of life-long education, independent of the formal institutions. With this in mind, we aim to enable our students to learn, to ignite their minds and make them open the doors to vistas of knowledge. We also reach out to our parents for fresh ideas and thoughts as the school is for both the children and their parents and the society at large. In this spirit, we have served our stakeholders and wish to continue in the years ahead.

    On this occasion, I call upon the parents and members of the society, especially our ex-students to join us in our humble efforts.

    Sh. Shamsher Singh Saini


    K.V. Bhadarwah

    Doda District, J & K